The Friends of Hoboken Charter School (FoHCS) is a parent run, 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization,  which operates exclusively for the benefit of the Hoboken Charter School and its students. FoHCS is mandated to do a few things:

Drive fundraising efforts for the school capital fund, operations, and association expenditures

Foster a nurturing and productive environment for students, teachers, administration and parents

Cultivate community relations

Help parents advocate for Hoboken Charter School and engage with its mission

If you would like to get involved, please contact us.  The Friends of Hoboken Charter School holds monthly parent association meetings throughout the school year. The meetings are open to all Hoboken Charter School members and parents.

About Hoboken Charter School

The Hoboken Charter School is a K-12 community committed to social justice and service-learning grounded in learner-centered practices. We seek personal, civic, academic and artistic growth for all of our members. Through an individualized and shared journey, students come to know who they are and how they can change the world.

The Hoboken Charter School was conceived and developed by a group of Hoboken parents and professional educators. On January 15, 1997, HCS was chartered by New Jersey State Commissioner of Education Leo Klagholz. Our charter was renewed in 2001, in 2006 and again in 2011. The school's founders believe that a community composed of learners of all ages fosters a spirit of collaboration that is a necessary part of a successful educational experience. We believe that students thrive in environments where expectations are clear and consistent at all levels, and where students are known not only by their peers, but by the entire school community. An emphasis on curriculum that places the student at the center of inquiry is the foundation for the school's four critical learning "cornerstones." These cornerstones are: rigorous academics, arts literacy,  personal and civic growth.

Through service learning, students bring the community into the classroom and extend the walls of the classroom out into the community. Service learning offers a way to tie the curriculum to community action. Students at the Hoboken Charter School identify community problems; design, implement, and evaluate action plans; and engage in ongoing personal reflection. Through these experiences, students become active, contributing members of the school community, the city of Hoboken, and beyond. In developing this approach, the Hoboken Charter School has developed relationships with a wide variety of individuals and groups within the Hoboken community.